Enrichment Book For XI SMK Based on Curriculum 2013


Copyright © 2018 Neneng Hendriyani, M.Pd.

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Editor: Neneng Hendriyani

Desain Sampul:Boedy Why

Tata Letak: Cecep Suparman


Cetakan Pertama, September  2018



Cakrawala Milenia Jaya

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Hendriyani, Neneng

English Enrichment Book For X SMK Based On Curriculum 2013 Revision; Editor, Neneng Hendriyani -cet.1-2018

Ukuran: 14.8 x 21

Jumlah halaman ix+122


Although English has been learnt from Junior High School, it does not mean that they can learn it easily on vocational high school. It is caused by many factors. Some factors comes from outside the students themselves. Namely, lack of learning sources, lack of English teachers, and lack of support from school environment. Internal factors are lack of motivation in learning this foreign language as it is very difficult to understand.

To overcome the problems, the writer as English teacher in vocational high school agree to design this enrichment book. The goal is to give the students extra time in learning all basic competencies learnt by themselves without feeling afraid or other unconvenience feelings usually they have.

In this book, the writer gives many explanations about every basic competency. Thus, the students will more understand about the subject. Besides that, they also designed many activities that can be done by the students. The last this book is also completed by National Examinations items. So, the students can learn more about many items usually used on this annual examination.

The learning activities here are for individual tasks, not group. It is based on the writers opinion that if the activities done by group, the students will  face many obstacles in providing time to learn, do, and practice them with their partners. So, to make them easy all activities on this book are done only by themselves. It is also to support them to read many related sources according to the basic competency.

If you are interested, please contact . Its cost is only 40k.