Our Beautiful Memories on Holiday

The writer: The Students of X MIPA 1 SMA N 4 Cibinong ISBN: 978-623-90723-7-7 Editor: Neneng Hendriyani Lay outer: Cecep Suparman Cover designer: cahsantri@gmail.com

Our Beautiful Memories on Holiday Copyright © CV Cakrawala Milenia Jaya, 2019

first print, October 2019

The Students of X MIPA 1 SMA N 4 Cibinong Our Beautiful Memories on Holiday / The Students of X MIPA 1 SMA N 4 Cibinong .; Editor, Neneng Hendriyani -cet.1-2018 Ukuran: 14.8 x 21 Jumlah Halaman xii + 113

Our beautiful memories on our holiday become the soul of this book. We write all we feel during the journey we did with our family and friends. There is no word except happiness in retelling the memories we had. We know that some of you have gone to the spot of tourisms we visited here. However we believe that our experience in visiting the places will give you another impression about the places. It is not easy actually in writing them well. Especially when we have to write using past tense as our teacher, Neneng Hendriyani, M.Pd., asked us. We must open dictionary more and more to choose the most appropriate words in continuing the story. Tired? No! We understand finally that by doing this task we learn more about writing in English. For your information, we did all by ourselves. Our teacher played her role as a guidance. She explained the material needed in writing using past tense first before asked us to write on. Many examples she gave us at that time. Then, here we are! Our writings are on your hands. Have a nice reading!

Bogor, 01st October 2019 The Students of X MIPA 1 SMA N 4 Cibinong

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SMAFOUR Students Characters Building Through Good Habits Every Day Copyright © CV Cakrawala Milenia Jaya, 2019 The writer: The Students of XI IPS 1 SMA N 4 Cibinong ISBN: 978-623-90723-9-1 Editor: Neneng Hendriyani Lay outer: Cecep Suparman Cover designer: cahsantri@gmail.com Publisher: Cakrawala Milenia Jaya cakrawalamileniajaya@gmail.com web: http://cakrawalamj.co.id First print, October 2019 size: 14.8 x 21 xii+35

Kegiatan penanaman kebiasaan baik alias building good character di SMAFOUR dilakukan setiap hari dengan melakukan beragam aktivitas sejak awal datang ke sekolah hingga pulang sekolah. Inilah yang menjadi ruh buku SMAFOUR Students Characters Building Through Good Habits Every Day ini.

Sejak Senin hingga Sabtu, kegiatan diawali dengan kegiatan 3S (Sambut, Senyum, Sapa). Setelah itu, siswa masuk kelas dan menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya secara serentak. Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan membaca Al Qur’an bersama-sama selama 15 menit. Setelah kegiatan literasi ini barulah KBM dilaksanakan seperti biasa. Ini adalah kegiatan yang umum dilakukan sejak Senin-Sabtu. Pada hari-hari tertentu seperti Kamis, dilaksanakan kegiatan Pramuka Aktualisasi. Pada hari Jum’at dilaksanakan kegiatan salat Duha berjamaah. Pada hari Senin dilaksanakan Upacara Bendera. Pada hari Sabtu dilaksanakan Upacara Penurunan Bendera.

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SMAFOUR In Events Copyright © CV Cakrawala Milenia Jaya, 2019 The writer: The Students of XI IPA 4 SMA N 4 Cibinong ISBN: 978-623-90723-8-4 Editor: Neneng Hendriyani Lay outer: Cecep Suparman Cover designer: cahsantri@gmail.com Publisher: Cakrawala Milenia Jaya email: cakrawalamileniajaya@gmail.com web: http://cakrawalamj.co.id First print, October 2019 Ukuran: 14.8 x 21 Jumlah Halaman xi + 52

Studying in SMAFOUR is our dream that become true. Here we learn together to pursue our dreams and future. We don’t only learn about many subjects that very important for us based on national curriculum but also about many things useful for developing our talents and abilities. There are so many events done in SMAFOUR. We can join them based on our interests and talents. Everyone is free to join whatever she or he wants. For us who likes sport can join sport events after joining some sport extra-curricular. For us who like dancing also can join culture events performs in this school. We only have to join one of student organizations or extra-curricular which is suitable for us. For us who love to join the events as member of committee can join OSIS or MPPK first. Then with other students from many classes can arrange the events well. So, it is easy, isn’t it? Now, writing all events done in SMAFOUR is our duty that given by our English teacher, Neneng Hendriyani, M.Pd. She divided us into six groups with different topics of events done. Then, based on interview, observation as well as our own experiences we write them here. (The Students of XI IPA 4 SMAFOUR).

Buku ini memang ditulis seluruhnya dalam bahasa Inggris karena memang pada awalnya buku ini ditujukan sebagai bukti fisik kegiatan penilaian keterampilan menulis siswa mengenai topik tertentu, yaitu SMAFOUR IN EVENTS di kelas. Seiring berjalannya waktu, para siswa yang menulis secara berkelompok dalam buku ini memperoleh pengalaman nyata bagaimana menyusun kalimat yang padu, baik, benar, dan dapat dimengerti oleh semua orang.

Pada akhirnya buku ini pun dapat menjadi sumber informasi mengenai apa saja kegiatan SMAFOUR IN EVENTS yang dilakukan di SMAFOUR.

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Practical Guide To Develop HOTS in Language Learning and Assessment (Solusi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Abad 21) Copyright © Endah Kismani

ISBN: 978-602-53493-4-8
Editor: Neneng Hendriyani
Penyunting dan Penata Letak: Tim Cakrawala Milenia Jaya

Desain Sampul: Eka Yulistia

Cetakan Pertama, Februari 2019 Kismani, Endah Practical Guide To Develop Hots In Language Learning And Assessment (Solusi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Abad 21) /Endah Kismani.; Editor, Neneng Hendriyani -cet.1-2019 Ukuran: 14.8 x 21 Jumlah Halaman viii+168

Buku ini merupakan pedoman bagi guru Bahasa Inggris pada semua jenjang, baik guru SMP, SMA dan SMK dalam mendesain pembelajaran dan penilaian HOTS. Sebagai penerapan pembelajaran abad 21, guru dituntut untuk dapat mengembangkan pembelajaran yang terintegrasi antara PPK pada keterampilan abad 21 yang dikenal dengan 4C (Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Creativity and Innovation, Communication, Collaboration) serta pembelajaran HOTS. Buku ini dapat dijadikan pedoman dan referensi bagi guru abad 21. Sehingga kehadiran buku ini sangat bermanfaat sebagai penambah wawasan dan sekaligus sebagai latihan untuk mengembangkan pembelajaran dan penilaian HOTS.

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HOW DO TEXT WORK? ( Social Function, Generic Structure and Language Features

How do text work? (Social function, Generic Structure, and Languagae Features Copyright © Endah Kismani, 2019

Penulis: Endah Kismani

ISBN: 978-602-53493-9-3

Editor: Neneng Hendriyani

Penyunting dan Penata Letak: Tim CV Cakrawala Milenia Jaya

Desain Sampul: Eka Yulia

Cetakan Pertama, April, 20019

Kismani, Endah How do texts work? /Endah Kismani, Editor, Neneng Hendriyani -cet.1-2019 Ukuran: 14.8 x 21 Jumlah Halaman ix + 104

Buku ini ditulis oleh seorang pengawas SMK. Buku ini merupakan pedoman bagi guru Bahasa Inggris pada semua jenjang, baik guru SMP, SMA dan SMK dalam mendesain pembelajaran berdasarkan pengembangan teks. Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris bertujuan untuk komunikasi sosial, Mengetahui unsur kebahasaan dan bentuk umum dari pengembangan teks.

Buku ini dapat dijadikan pedoman dan referensi bagi guru abad 21. Sehingga di rasa kehadiran buku ini sangat bermanfaat sebagai penambah wawasan dan sekaligus sebagai bahan penunjang materi pembelajaran berbasis teks.

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Our Best Friends in X Multimedia 1819

Copyright © 2018 cakrawalamileniajaya
Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-undang
All Right Reserved
ISBN: 978-602-53493-1-7
Editor: Neneng Hendriyani
Desain Sampul:Boedy Why
Tata Letak: Cecep Suparman
Cetakan Pertama, Juli 2018


In learning language especially foreign language as
English as a teacher I always find so many students in
vocational high school cannot write well. They get so many
difficulties in doing such activity at class. Firstly, they do
not know what they should write. An idea of writing is very
expensive things for them to get. They lack of idea of
writing. Secondly, when they get interesting idea to write
they suddenly get shocked and cannot continue their
sentences. It is because of lacking certain vocabularies
needed on writing it. Thirdly, they do not know how the
punctuation should be practiced on their writing. They just
write all sentences and never give signal for stopping it.
Thus, in a paragraph there is no one full stop. Even, they
do not know when they should use capital dan small letters.
This condition makes me aware that they must learn
how to write in the target language. As far as we know that
English is very important language nowadays. Only
educated people who master the language that can be
succeded in the future. Due to this reason, I give them
stimulus to start to write. The idea comes from their
surroundings. It is about themselves.
When they feel that friendship is important for them,
they try to make all things related to their friends can be
remembered for long times. Therefore, this book is writtento save all best memories of their friends. By writing their
own friends in this Multi Media class, they will always
remember their classmates who become their best friends
for at least three years in this school.
I do hope all good and valuabe relationship among
them will bring them happiness here and after. Just keep
writing about whatever done on your surroundings to make
you remember all things easily.


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Enrichment Book For XI SMK Based on Curriculum 2013


Copyright © 2018 Neneng Hendriyani, M.Pd.

Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-undang

All Right Reserved



Editor: Neneng Hendriyani

Desain Sampul:Boedy Why

Tata Letak: Cecep Suparman


Cetakan Pertama, September  2018



Cakrawala Milenia Jaya

Bumi Karadenan Permai Blok AA8 No.11-12

Cibinong – Bogor

Jawa Barat

Telp. 08136336202 – 085715773482


web: http://cakrawalamj.co.id



Hendriyani, Neneng

English Enrichment Book For X SMK Based On Curriculum 2013 Revision; Editor, Neneng Hendriyani -cet.1-2018

Ukuran: 14.8 x 21

Jumlah halaman ix+122


Although English has been learnt from Junior High School, it does not mean that they can learn it easily on vocational high school. It is caused by many factors. Some factors comes from outside the students themselves. Namely, lack of learning sources, lack of English teachers, and lack of support from school environment. Internal factors are lack of motivation in learning this foreign language as it is very difficult to understand.

To overcome the problems, the writer as English teacher in vocational high school agree to design this enrichment book. The goal is to give the students extra time in learning all basic competencies learnt by themselves without feeling afraid or other unconvenience feelings usually they have.

In this book, the writer gives many explanations about every basic competency. Thus, the students will more understand about the subject. Besides that, they also designed many activities that can be done by the students. The last this book is also completed by National Examinations items. So, the students can learn more about many items usually used on this annual examination.

The learning activities here are for individual tasks, not group. It is based on the writers opinion that if the activities done by group, the students will  face many obstacles in providing time to learn, do, and practice them with their partners. So, to make them easy all activities on this book are done only by themselves. It is also to support them to read many related sources according to the basic competency.

If you are interested, please contact https://bit.ly/Bumori53. Its cost is only 40k.


Enrichment Book For XI SMK Based on Curriculum 2013 Revision

ENGLISH ENRICHMENT BOOK FOR XI SMK BASED ON CURRICULUM 2013 REVISION Copyright © 2018 Neneng Hendriyani, M.Pd. Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-undang All Right Reserved

ISBN: 978-602-52072-8-0 Editor: Neneng Hendriyani Desain Sampul:Boedy Why Tata Letak: Cecep Suparman

Cetakan Pertama, September 2018

Penerbit Cakrawala Milenia Jaya Bumi Karadenan Permai Blok AA8 No.11-12 Cibinong – Bogor Jawa Barat Telp. 08136336202 – 085715773482 cakrawalamileniajaya@gmail.com web: http://cakrawalamj.co.id

Hendriyani, Neneng English Enrichment Book For XI SMK Based On Curriculum 2013 Revision; Editor, Neneng Hendriyani -cet.1-2018 Ukuran: 14.8 x 21 Jumlah halaman ix+122

Teaching English in Vocational School is a little bit different than Senior High School. It is because of job training program is done in Vocational High School, especially in grade XI. Thus, all English teachers should prepare many things when they want to teach English in this school. One of the preparation is designing suitable materials that can be learned easily by the students who are doing job training at industry. This enrichment book is one of English teacher solution in designing suitable materials for vocational high school students who are doing job training for at least three months in industry/company. All English materials that should be taught based on Curriculum 2013 revision are designed completely on this book. Therefore, students can learn them easily by themselves. The learning activities here are for individual tasks, not group. It is based on the writer opinion that if the activities done by group, the students will face many obstacles in providing time to learn, do, and practice them with their partners. So, to make them easy all activities on this book are done only by themselves. It is also to support them to read many related sources according to the basic competency.


Please feel free to buy this valuable book on https://bit.ly/Bumori53